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Канада 🇨🇦

Код города, междугороднего звонка VoIP, Мобильная связь / Сотовая Локатор и телефон Канада.

Список литературы:

Канада Международный кодекс

  • Название: Канада 🇨🇦
  • Код: 1, также +1, 001, 00 1, 00-1, +1-, +001, 01, 0001, 011-1 и т.д..

Общая информация

  • Код страны в Канаде: 1
  • Префикс для внешних линий: 1
  • Международный префикс: 011
  • Обзор: минимальная длина номера (за исключением кода страны) составляет 10 цифр
Максимальная длина номера (исключая код страны) составляет 10 цифр

Деталь плана нумерации

Негеографический номер

Код зоны Значительная длина номера Применение
456 10 International Inbound NPA for routing calls to carrier-specific services to and between NANP area countries
500 10 Personal Communication Services
700 10 For unrestricted use within the NANP area by an IX carrier within its own network
710 10 Used in Canada for routing calls to the U.S. government National Communication System
800 10 Non-geographic number – Toll Free numbers with charges billed to called party
900 10 Pay- Per-Call numbers with charges billed to calling party

Географический номер

Код зоны Значительная длина номера Применение Площадь
204 10 wireline and wireless telephony Province of Manitoba (same area as 431)
226 10 wireline and wireless telephony South-Western part of Province of Ontario (same area as 519 & 548)
236 10 wireline and wireless telephony Province of British Columbia (same area as 250/604/778)
249 10 wireline and wireless telephony North-Eastern part of Province of Ontario (same area as 705)
250 10 wireline and wireless telephony Part of Province of British Columbia including Vancouver Island & Mainland, excluding Lower Mainland (overlaid by 236 and 778 which also overlay 604)
289 10 wireline and wireless telephony Southern part of Province of Ontario surrounding Toronto (same area as 365 & 905)
306 10 wireline and wireless telephony Province of Saskatchewan (same area as 639)
343 10 wireline and wireless telephony Eastern part of Province of Ontario (same area as 613)
365 10 wireline and wireless telephony Southern part of Province of Ontario surrounding Toronto (same area as 289 & 905)
367 10 wireline and wireless telephony(In service 24 November 2018) North-Eastern part of Province of Québec (same area as 418/581)
403 10 wireline and wireless telephony Southern part of Province of Alberta (same area as part of 587 & 825)
416 10 wireline and wireless telephony Part of Province of Ontario – Toronto area (same area as 437 & 647)
418 10 wireline and wireless telephony North-Eastern part of Province of Québec (same area as 581)
428 10 wireline and wireless telephony(In service 21 November 2020) Province of New Brunswick (same area as 506)
431 10 wireline and wireless telephony Province of Manitoba (same area as 204)
437 10 wireline and wireless telephony Part of Province of Ontario – Toronto area (same area as 437 & 647)
438 10 wireline and wireless telephony Part of Province of Québec – Montréal area (same area as 514)
450 10 wireline and wireless telephony Part of Province of Québec – Area surrounding Montréal (same area as 579)
506 10 wireline and wireless telephony Province of New Brunswick
514 10 wireline and wireless telephony Part of Province of Québec – Montréal area (same area as 438)
519 10 wireline and wireless telephony South-Western part of Province of Ontario (same area as 226 & 548)
548 10 wireline and wireless telephony South-Western part of Province of Ontario (same area as 226 & 519)
579 10 wireline and wireless telephony Part of Province of Québec – Area surrounding Montréal (same area as 450)
581 10 wireline and wireless telephony North-Eastern part of Province of Québec (same area as 418)
587 10 wireline and wireless telephony Province of Alberta (overlays 403 & 780) (same area as 825)
604 10 wireline and wireless telephony Part of Province of British Columbia, including Lower Mainland (Vancouver) (overlaid by 778 and 236 which also overlay 250)
613 10 wireline and wireless telephony Eastern part of Province of Ontario (same area as 343)
639 10 wireline and wireless telephony Province of Saskatchewan (same area as 306)
647 10 wireline and wireless telephony Part of Province of Ontario – Toronto area (same area as 416 & 437)
672 10 wireline and wireless telephony(In service 4 May 2019) Province of British Columbia (same area as 236/250/604/778)
705 10 wireline and wireless telephony North-Eastern part of Province of Ontario (same area as 249)
709 10 wireline and wireless telephony Province of Newfoundland and Labrador
778 10 wireline and wireless telephony Province of British Columbia (overlays 250 and 604) ) – overlaid by 236
780 10 wireline and wireless telephony Northern part of Province of Alberta (same area as part of 587 & 825)
782 10 wireline and wireless telephony Provinces of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (same area as 902)
807 10 wireline and wireless telephony North-Western part of Province of Ontario
819 10 wireline and wireless telephony North & North-Western part of Province of Québec (same area as 873)
825 10 wireline and wireless telephony Province of Alberta (overlays 403 & 780) (same area as 587)
867 10 wireline and wireless telephony Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon
873 10 wireline and wireless telephony North & North-Western part of Province of Québec (same area as 819)
879 10 wireline and wireless telephony(In service 20 May 2022) Province of Newfoundland and Labrador (same area as 709)
902 10 wireline and wireless telephony Provinces of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (same area as 782)
905 10 wireline and wireless telephony Southern part of Province of Ontario surrounding Toronto (same area as 289 & 365)

Важные номера

Код Применение
411 Справочная служба
511 Погода и информация путешественника
611 Услуги по ремонту
711 Доступ к службе ретрансляции сообщений (MRS) у глухих
811 Услуги неотложной медицинской помощи
911 Крайняя необходимость

План набора

Внутренний набор

  • Для местного вызова: наберите только 7 цифр или 10 цифр номера телефона
  • Для междугороднего звонка: 1 - код города - номер телефона

Иностранный набор номера

  • Для звонка из Канады из-за рубежа: код кодового номера с кодом 1-зоны (код выхода также может быть записан как «+»)
  • Вызовите за границу из Канады: 011-код страны-кода код-номер телефона

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